The Mind of a Goalie: Standing Alone Among the Crowd of Eyes

Sports is a fascinating activity where it can elicit so many different emotions, but it never fails to make you feel so alone even among a large field of players. One of sport’s most exciting plays, the breakaway, epitomizes this. There is nothing like a showdown between two individuals that grips the hearts of the audience and for the two individuals; a moment frozen in time. In an instant, the moment is over and one is left the victor while the other anguishes over the defeat. For the winner, joy and praise by their individual effort. The loser, the weight and pressure of all the eyes as they analyze and breakdown everything you did wrong. It is in this fleeting moment where a Goalie lives in.

If someone asked you to play the goalie, what would you say? I think for most they would probably decline. Me? I gladly raise my hand, there’s no greater feeling than ripping glory from the clutches of the opposition. Who in their right mind would EVER want to get in the way of people whipping balls, pucks, or other objects at you. To paraphrase something, I heard a long time ago

“Those who play in goal are usually a different breed of people… probably crazy people”

If you ask me, being a goalie is probably the easiest way to describe me as a person both in attitude and personality. Mentally strong, calm, dependable, always there for support, biggest enemy is himself, just to name a few; haha. However, for those not familiar with the position, they probably don’t see those traits. I’ll even bet most would look at the position as the laziest position, because you don’t move “a lot” and only “bigger” players are the goalies because it “suits” them. Unfortunately, this was something I would hear for many years of my life, that because of my size I wouldn’t be able to run around as much and that playing in goal would suit me. Even my relatives would rationalize me playing in goal was because of my “size” as it would be easier to block the shots, though they meant well the underlying fact was clear. Being that fat kid wasn’t easy and playing sports as a fat kid was even worse. Whenever I would play as goalie and let in a goal, this constant reminder perpetuated in my head and as a result created an inferiority complex that reached into all aspects of my life. It was something that I hated about myself, but at the same time I didn’t know how to get out of it and at a certain level I accepted it as fact. It made playing sports less enjoyable, but I didn’t want to stop.

Perhaps it was God’s providence, because it was through hockey where all those negatives that ate at me turned into positives that fueled me. I played on a team with several brothers from church who I looked up to a lot, though we were all similar in age I value each of their friendships because playing with them I learned many things that brought me out of the loneliness that always clouded me. For someone who grew up in a single-parent home as an only child, hockey was an escape, but it was also where God showed me his family and that I wasn’t alone. It is because of this that I gained a new appreciation and love for sport and why I’m so glad Pentasport is here!

For the limited time that I’ve been involved in the league I can say without a doubt that Pentasport is a blessing from God. The feeling I felt when God used hockey for me, it is the same feeling I get when I’m playing in Pentasport. I’ve always believed that community in Christ is an important aspect of being Christian and sport has always been a powerful tool in bringing people together.  For those two ideas to come together and bring so many churches closer in community, it is truly amazing! God provides in more ways than we’ll ever know and though I can only speak from my personal experience I believe he has given much to all of those who have played in this league. He has given me so many new friendships that the only way I know how to respond is to put back into what I’ve gained. To be part of the committee is truly an honor and I’m humbled by the brothers and sisters that I continue to serve with every week. All of you are the reason why Pentasport is what it is today. I see all of you as my family and I can’t wait to see where we go next!

Sport is the language we speak
Sweat is the product of our determination
Pain is the acknowledgment of our work
Joy is the cry of our heart
Such is the community of Pentasport
In Him we trust

Play Hard. Laugh Harder. Shine Brighter.

About the Author
Ricky is the committee rep for the captains, communicating with and for them during the course of the season. Has played for, the now defunct, LLC team Toxic Fireballs and currently attends Tenth church and plays for Shakers. Wanderlust is in his veins and is always looking to see where he’ll go next! HK Style Café is his comfort food, and if it’s interesting just remember the camera eats first!