Register for the Multisport League Spring 2025 season

Team registration


  • Team name, Church name, and contact for liaising pastor
  • 1 team captain and 1-2 assistant captains (all must be church-based players)
  • 2+ players available to serve as League Reps
  • $100 deposit (to be paid after your team has been accepted for the season)

Please ensure you have reviewed the full league regulations before registering.

Team roster requirements

Roster size: 11-16 players (Teams may not go above or below this range.)

  • Church-based players: 9-14 | Those who regularly attend the team’s church.
  • Other church players: 0-2 | Those who regularly attend a church different than the team’s church.
  • Invited players: 2-6 | Those who do not regularly attend any church.

Key dates

Friday, February 21: Registration open at 9:00AM
Friday, February 28: Registration deadline (closes at 11:59PM)
Tuesday, March 11: Roster due
Monday, March 17: Player waivers and league fees due
Tuesday, March 18: Captains and League Rep orientation

March 25 – May 27: Regular season (10 weeks)
June 3 – June 17: Playoffs (3 weeks)
June 24: Season-end social

*In the event we have more teams than capacity, a lottery will take place to select participating teams based on league regulations.

Important notes

  • Registration does not guarantee your team a spot in the league.
  • Approval will be given upon review by the Organizing Committee, based on league capacity, and team eligibility.
  • If your team is selected in the lottery but you are no longer able to field a team, you will have to option of opting out.


For those that do not have a team but are interested in participating in Pentasport, please register as a Free Agent.

Free agent regulations

– Free agent placement typically takes place after rosters have been submitted by teams to determine how many spots are available in the upcoming season.

– The league will accept and try its best to place free agents — individuals who do not have a team to play for — onto existing teams. Free agents are required to contact the league at least 3 weeks prior to the start of the season (or follow registration instructions provided by the Organizing Committee).

– Individuals who consistently attend a Christian church can only be considered a free agent IF their home church:
A) Does not have a team in the league’s upcoming season or;
B) The team’s roster is already full.
If none of the conditions apply, the individual will be considered under the “Other church” player category on the roster. Note: the maximum number of “Other church” players on a roster remains at two (2).

– Free agents will be considered a separate player category on a team roster. Teams are still required to ensure their roster abides by League Regulations on player-category and roster limitations

– Free agents will be placed onto teams at the discretion of the Organizing Committee. There is no guarantee that a free agent will be provided a roster spot. Variables, such as needs assessment by team captains, availability, compatibility, and location, will be taken into account.

Please ensure you are familiar with Pentasport’s Rules and Regulations and Statement of Faith before registering.