As part of a sports league that continues to grow, it’s vital to have people helping foster community, engage with teams, and provide guidance when needed. As a non-profit, volunteer-based ministry, we are dependent on volunteers to ensure success of the league. Having representatives from each team, and providing each game with adequate support, will boost the quality of play and experience for every participant and competition. That’s why we are always looking for volunteers to help as League Representatives!
Please contact us if you have a heart to help!
Are League Reps mandatory from each team?
Each team is required to provide the league with at least TWO players to serve as a league rep. These two may not include the captain; however, captains can also serve only if the team can provide two other league reps.
What are the requirements to becoming a League Rep?
- A heart to serve.
- Help with the logistical needs and responsibilities (refer below) of their assigned game.
- Lift and set up sports equipment.
- Have a willingness to further Pentasport’s vision, mission and values. [If the captain is not sure whether a league rep candidate is eligible, please speak with our league rep coordinator.]
- Be on an existing team — those who do not belong to a team may still help, but there must be an affiliation to a church.
- Be able to help at least three to four games in the season.
- Equipment: Bring appropriate equipment (as arranged by League Rep Coordinators) to facility prior to games and pass on equipment to appropriate person in charge at the end of the night. If you have been put in charge of bringing equipment to the facility, make sure all the items needed are present (check bag when you receive it). Report anything that is missing or in low supply immediately to a League Rep Coordinator.
- Arrive Early: Be at the facility at least 15 minutes prior to game start to help set up.
- Be at the facility 10 minutes prior to game when no set up needed (ie. second game)
- Announcements: After gathering teams together prior to the game, relay announcements to the teams as provided by the league during the week. As well, review any significant rules or allow questions regarding rules. Close off announcements by asking teams to greet members from the opposing teams.
- Opening Prayer: Lead in prayer or ask one of the team captains/players to do so, if they are comfortable to do it. Keep the prayer short, simple, and mindful that there are non-church-attending players in attendance.
- Scorekeeping: Ensure home team wears white shirts and away team wears coloured / dark shirts. Submit final scores at to the league rep group chat.
- Timekeeping: Using phone timer, start and end games (including half-time) according to the length specified in the different sport rules.
- Yell out the time left to the teams in increments, as needed.
- Half-Time: Facilitate conversation between captains during half-time, bringing them together to let them discuss any issues or address any concerns.
- Rules: Prior to each game, please read over rules — this can be found under the ‘Rules’ section of the website. Teams should be self-refereeing but if needed, step in and diffuse the following situations:
- Rules are clearly being broken or misunderstood;
- You saw clearly what happened and are able to resolve a dispute;
- You notice a player not on the roster (relay to Organizing Committee member).
- Oversee: Ensure teams are practising good sportsmanship, while keeping the league’s mission and vision in mind when making decisions.
- Injuries: Provide ice or first aid kit to injured players
Post Game: Clean up — remove tape, if any, put away school’s equipment, and pack up PentaSport equipment. Make sure facility looks the same as when you came!