Spring 2018 Schedule For soccer, handball, and basketball, top team wears WHITE, bottom team wears DARK Spring 2018 Schedule & Results DateTeamsTimeActivityVenue 2018-03-20 18:30:55March 20, 2018BFMFriends of TofuShakersQuadzillas0 - 1 - 3 - 2VolleyballSaint Francis Xavier2018-03-20 19:45:15March 20, 2018Redeemed TeamUptown Monks18 - 58BasketballBrittania Community Centre2018-03-20 20:00:14March 20, 2018Bingo BongosGobblersSushi SquadDino Might2 - 1 - 0 - 3VolleyballSaint Francis Xavier2018-03-20 20:00:47March 20, 2018BaemaxStraight Outta Bethlehem3 - 5SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-03-20 20:45:18March 20, 2018The J-WalkersTriple Threat63 - 57BasketballBrittania Community Centre2018-03-20 21:00:42March 20, 2018SVPG and FriendsBurning Bush3 - 6SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-03-20 22:00:25March 20, 2018Gentle WarriorsBreaking Bread6 - 3SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-03-27 18:30:54March 27, 2018BaemaxSVPG and FriendsRedeemed TeamThe J-Walkers1 - 0 - 2 - 3VolleyballSaint Francis Xavier2018-03-27 19:45:46March 27, 2018Breaking BreadBingo Bongos52 - 54BasketballBrittania Community Centre2018-03-27 20:00:05March 27, 2018Gentle WarriorsBurning BushUptown MonksTriple Threat2 - 3 - 1 - 0VolleyballSaint Francis Xavier2018-03-27 20:00:23March 27, 2018QuadzillasDino Might3 - 1SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-03-27 20:45:18March 27, 2018Straight Outta BethlehemBFM42 - 47BasketballBrittania Community Centre2018-03-27 21:00:15March 27, 2018ShakersSushi Squad3 - 5SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-03-27 22:00:03March 27, 2018Friends of TofuGobblers4 - 4SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-04-03 18:30:20April 3, 2018BFMBingo Bongos4 - 13BenchballNorquay Elementary School2018-04-03 19:00:38April 3, 2018Triple ThreatRedeemed Team28 - 29HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-03 19:00:45April 3, 2018Sushi SquadFriends of Tofu33 - 18HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-03 19:30:28April 3, 2018GobblersThe J-Walkers3 - 13BenchballNorquay Elementary School2018-04-03 20:00:28April 3, 2018Burning BushShakers10 - 8HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-03 20:00:41April 3, 2018SVPG and FriendsGentle Warriors4 - 12HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-03 20:30:49April 3, 2018Dino MightBaemax3 - 7BenchballNorquay Elementary School2018-04-03 21:00:09April 3, 2018Breaking BreadQuadzillas3 - 6HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-03 21:00:57April 3, 2018Uptown MonksStraight Outta Bethlehem6 - 7HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-10 18:00:43April 10, 2018Sushi SquadBreaking Bread11 - 6BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-04-10 19:00:32April 10, 2018Friends of TofuSVPG and Friends14 - 6BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-04-10 19:00:51April 10, 2018BaemaxBurning Bush18 - 51BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-10 20:00:15April 10, 2018Straight Outta BethlehemQuadzillas14 - 7BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-04-10 20:00:30April 10, 2018BFMTriple Threat3 - 2SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-04-10 20:00:43April 10, 2018The J-WalkersDino Might58 - 47BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-10 21:00:05April 10, 2018ShakersRedeemed Team14 - 7BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-04-10 21:00:29April 10, 2018GobblersGentle Warriors26 - 48BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-10 21:00:48April 10, 2018Bingo BongosUptown Monks2 - 1SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-04-17 19:00:10April 17, 2018QuadzillasBingo Bongos6 - 4HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-17 19:00:57April 17, 2018Friends of TofuThe J-Walkers3 - 11HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-17 20:00:19April 17, 2018Gentle WarriorsBurning Bush14 - 6BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-04-17 20:00:30April 17, 2018Redeemed TeamBreaking Bread4 - 1SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-04-17 20:00:44April 17, 2018ShakersGobblers17 - 2HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-17 20:00:50April 17, 2018Sushi SquadBaemax5 - 12HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-17 21:00:15April 17, 2018BFMDino Might7 - 6HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-04-17 21:00:18April 17, 2018Uptown MonksTriple Threat16 - 3BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-04-17 21:00:35April 17, 2018Straight Outta BethlehemSVPG and Friends13 - 2SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-05-01 18:30:05May 1, 2018Dino MightRedeemed Team4 - 8BenchballNorquay Elementary School2018-05-01 18:30:53May 1, 2018Friends of TofuBingo BongosGentle WarriorsStraight Outta Bethlehem0 - 2 - 3 - 1VolleyballHugh Boyd Secondary School2018-05-01 19:30:56May 1, 2018QuadzillasUptown Monks5 - 11BenchballNorquay Elementary School2018-05-01 20:00:06May 1, 2018BFMGobblersBaemaxBreaking Bread0 - 2 - 1 - 3VolleyballHugh Boyd Secondary School2018-05-01 20:00:20May 1, 2018The J-WalkersShakers2 - 1SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-05-01 20:30:46May 1, 2018Triple ThreatSVPG and Friends12 - 8BenchballNorquay Elementary School2018-05-01 21:00:15May 1, 2018Burning BushSushi Squad3 - 0SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-05-08 18:30:32May 8, 2018QuadzillasSushi SquadThe J-WalkersBurning Bush1 - 0 - 2 - 3VolleyballSaint Francis Xavier2018-05-08 19:00:36May 8, 2018Breaking BreadFriends of Tofu40 - 24BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-08 20:00:27May 8, 2018Bingo BongosStraight Outta Bethlehem65 - 40BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-08 20:00:47May 8, 2018BaemaxGentle Warriors7 - 4SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-05-08 20:00:49May 8, 2018ShakersDino MightSVPG and FriendsUptown Monks2 - 1 - 0 - 3VolleyballSaint Francis Xavier2018-05-08 21:00:45May 8, 2018GobblersTriple Threat3 - 4SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-05-08 21:00:58May 8, 2018Redeemed TeamBFM36 - 42BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-15 19:00:08May 15, 2018SVPG and FriendsGobblers4 - 7HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-15 19:00:16May 15, 2018Dino MightGentle Warriors7 - 9HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-15 20:00:00May 15, 2018Redeemed TeamStraight Outta Bethlehem10 - 9HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-15 20:00:05May 15, 2018Burning BushBreaking Bread10 - 8HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-15 20:00:50May 15, 2018Bingo BongosSushi Squad11 - 13BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-05-15 20:00:51May 15, 2018Uptown MonksBFM1 - 0SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-05-15 21:00:12May 15, 2018QuadzillasThe J-Walkers2 - 2SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-05-15 21:00:28May 15, 2018Triple ThreatBaemax6 - 10HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-15 21:00:40May 15, 2018Friends of TofuShakers3 - 29BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-05-22 18:00:00May 22, 2018GobblersBurning Bush6 - 15BenchballNorquay Elementary School2018-05-22 19:00:27May 22, 2018ShakersTriple Threat76 - 54BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-22 19:00:47May 22, 2018Gentle WarriorsBFM14 - 7BenchballNorquay Elementary School2018-05-22 20:00:03May 22, 2018Breaking BreadStraight Outta Bethlehem10 - 9BenchballNorquay Elementary School2018-05-22 20:00:10May 22, 2018SVPG and FriendsQuadzillas32 - 60BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-22 20:00:44May 22, 2018Bingo BongosRedeemed Team2 - 2SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-05-22 21:00:20May 22, 2018Dino MightFriends of Tofu5 - 1SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-05-22 21:00:52May 22, 2018BaemaxThe J-Walkers7 - 11BenchballNorquay Elementary School2018-05-22 21:00:59May 22, 2018Sushi SquadUptown Monks29 - 42BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-29 18:30:35May 29, 2018BaemaxBFM 18:30:356:30 pmVolleyballSaint Francis Xavier2018-05-29 18:30:45May 29, 2018Straight Outta BethlehemSushi Squad2 - 0VolleyballSaint Francis Xavier2018-05-29 19:00:40May 29, 2018Breaking BreadGobblers31 - 24BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-29 19:30:44May 29, 2018Gentle WarriorsShakers0 - 2VolleyballSaint Francis Xavier2018-05-29 19:30:48May 29, 2018The J-WalkersBurning Bush1 - 2VolleyballSaint Francis Xavier2018-05-29 20:00:40May 29, 2018QuadzillasRedeemed Team30 - 49BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-05-29 20:30:24May 29, 2018Dino MightSVPG and Friends2 - 0VolleyballSaint Francis Xavier2018-05-29 20:30:41May 29, 2018Triple ThreatFriends of Tofu2 - 0VolleyballSaint Francis Xavier2018-05-29 21:00:47May 29, 2018Uptown MonksBingo Bongos6 - 4HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-06-05 18:30:41June 5, 2018BaemaxQuadzillas5 - 15BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-06-05 19:00:42June 5, 2018Bingo BongosGentle Warriors50 - 51BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-06-05 19:30:34June 5, 2018Friends of TofuSVPG and Friends14 - 10BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-06-05 20:00:34June 5, 2018Sushi SquadBFM38 - 51BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-06-05 20:00:45June 5, 2018Breaking BreadTriple Threat3 - 2SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-06-05 20:30:32June 5, 2018Dino MightGobblers19 - 6BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-06-05 21:00:45June 5, 2018ShakersThe J-Walkers56 - 15BasketballMoscrop Secondary School2018-06-05 21:00:58June 5, 2018Burning BushUptown Monks1 - 2SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-06-05 22:00:53June 5, 2018Redeemed TeamStraight Outta Bethlehem0 - 2SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-06-12 18:30:11June 12, 2018Burning BushThe J-Walkers10 - 12BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-06-12 19:00:47June 12, 2018Breaking BreadDino Might7 - 5HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-06-12 19:00:53June 12, 2018Straight Outta BethlehemQuadzillas9 - 8HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-06-12 19:30:04June 12, 2018Uptown MonksShakers14 - 6BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-06-12 20:00:32June 12, 2018Sushi SquadSVPG and Friends10 - 1SoccerRichmond Oval #82018-06-12 20:00:37June 12, 2018Redeemed TeamBaemax9 - 5HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-06-12 20:00:47June 12, 2018Triple ThreatGobblers11 - 12HandballMoscrop Secondary School2018-06-12 20:30:54June 12, 2018Bingo BongosBFM8 - 11BenchballDavid Livingstone Elementary2018-06-12 21:00:26June 12, 2018Gentle WarriorsFriends of Tofu7 - 0SoccerRichmond Oval #8