Out of My Comfort Zone

Here we are!  This is the fourth season of Pentasport and probably the most challenging one to start up mostly because we were having difficulties securing a gym. After long discussions and prayers, God provided and answered our prayers!

Hey guys! I’m Holly. I am one of the committee members responsible for planning the mid season and year end social events. It’s always funny to me how God works in my life sometimes. People who know me really well know that I am really terrible at planning and just don’t like to do it at all. But God (maybe speaking through Anthony, who didn’t ask, but threw me into this) put me in this role to plan for a league with over 100 people. I was very reluctant at first and felt that it was very out of my comfort zone. I was overwhelmed and didn’t even know where to start. I contacted many venues but a lot of them didn’t work out, leaving me very discouraged/disappointed and questioning what God wants me to do in this ministry. I don’t particularly love sports. In fact, it gives me high anxiety and I dread playing every single game but I felt the calling to try something new and serve in Pentasport.

This is my 3rd season serving and it hasn’t always been smooth sailings but I am having a blast. Every single time the social comes around and I see everyone having a great time, socializing and getting to know their fellow brothers and sisters has made this stressful but good learning experience so worthwhile. It has been such a blessing to see new relationships begin and old relationships grow, to see new churches come together every season and be united as we fellowship through sports. It’s also been so much fun serving alongside these amazing, supportive and encouraging individuals who are so passionate about Christ that it’s inspiring. I’m super excited to see what’s next to come as we try to grow the league to 12 teams!!

Please save the date and come out to our year end social on Tuesday December 13 at Lord’s Love Church (645 East 47th Avenue) from 6-8:30pm!! We will have dinner, worship, trophy/awards presentation, a photobooth and so much more!!! It’ll be an awesome night to connect with everyone.

Play Hard. Laugh Harder. Shine Brighter.

About the Author
Holly is one of the league reps and committee members for Pentasport. She has been playing part time since the first season and has been part of 3 different Lord’s Love Church teams. She now plays for the Uptown Monks and still suffers from major sports anxiety. She loves to eat, watch musicals and travel. Holly works at St. Paul’s hospital as a Neuro Technologist and looks at brainwaves and nerves all day.